Sarah Palin: Obama 'Inexperienced' In Private Sector & Government 03/ 5/11Sarah is becoming a much better target than former Vice President Dan Quayle, seeing as she appears to be barely literate or is just a poor extemporaneous speaker. Her main point, Obama's inexperience, is not supported by anything resembling proof or reasoning. Instead, her main point is stated first so that the listener's attention is garnered and she just reiterates her point that he is inexperienced because his inexperience is obvious because of the statements he makes. What exactly these statements are, and how they prove his inexperience, are never specifically quoted.
During an appearance on "America's Nightly Scoreboard" on Fox Business on Friday night, she said, "See because our president is so inexperienced in the private sector and in government and in actually running anything and making any kind of budget that inexperience has really made manifest in some of the statements he makes."
Palin went on to take issue with the president's handling of the economy and said he should be "engaging in free-market principles that work" such as reducing taxes. The Fox News contributor added, "His naive and destructive and terrifying anti-oil agenda is going to bring our nation to our knees and his agenda must be stopped."
Her second point, that Obama is not adhering to "free market principles" such as reducing taxes, ignores the fact that such tax cuts put in place by the prior Republican administration have been extended by Obama. It is also the opinion of many economists that these tax cuts have played a large role in the present fiscal crisis. In addition, Herbert Hoover believed in free market principles and acted in support of the idea that the free market, left to it's own devices, would correct itself. He was wrong.
Her last point, Obama's "naive and destructive and terrifying anti-oil agenda" being harmful to America, is unsubstantiated. The term "anti-oil agenda" is vague, meaningless and acts as window dressing to her idea that Obama is going to bring America to it's knees with his agenda. Again, an unsupported allegation that states he is harming America because it is her opinion that America is being harmed by him.